- Frozen Milk - 250 ml
- Small Banana (Kadali variant) - 4 nos
- Salted peanuts 1 tablespoon
- Horlicks / Boost / Bournvita - 1 tablespoon
- Sugar - 1 tablespoon (to taste)
- Instant coffee - 1/4 teaspoon
- Cashew nuts : 5 -6
Check our food dictionary!
Sharjah Shake / Banana Milkshake – A very common milk shake recipe available in Kerala Bakeries / Juice shops or ice-cream parlors. This is popular in Kerala even from the early 90’s. If you ask me about the story behind the name or its connection with UAE – the answer is just three words – I don’t know 🙂 . I think some ex-gulf keralite from Sharjah introduced it here and hence its named so. I have heard that, it was first served in Calicut.
Whatever be the story behind it. I am sure that this drink holds lots of sweet memories of school and college days for many of us :). If you have one such story, feel free to share it below.
Sharjah Shake preparation
- In a Juicer jar, mash frozen milk and add peeled banana and peanuts. Grind well.
- Add horlicks, sugar, coffee powder etc and pulse well.
- Add rest of the frozen milk and blend well.
- Take two tall glasses and pour the shake and garnish with round cut small banana pieces.
- Can sprinkle a touch of horlicks on top!
- You can also sprinkle few cashew nuts or can add a scoop of icecream on top.
PS : Depending on the availability and your preference, you can try adding badam, peanut, cardamom etc.
April 11, 2015 at 2:25 pm
its delicious..can prepare in home setup easily.
September 2, 2016 at 5:11 am
Hi all,
Every delighted and feels nostalgic while reading the mid portion of this blog. Sure brings memories of good old school days. I used to buy drinks for others, being the son of an NRI then. Always felt refreshing and filled with one mug shot of the legendary Sharjah shake. ??
November 29, 2016 at 2:19 pm
The story behind the name is simple. Sharjah cup was going on at that time when this shake was first introduced. He just named it so. Lol. I just read it somewhere
December 27, 2016 at 8:59 am
@Sreedevi: nice one 🙂